Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life made simple

Sometimes the best way to enjoy life is to make the little things in your everyday life easier. I love little tips and tricks to assist you in life.

I came across the article on about creative household uses for the rubber band. Very interesting. What do you think and what ideas do you have?

1. Paint can marker. If you’re partially finished with a can of paint, wrap a rubber band around its exterior at the same level as the paint that’s inside the can so you can tell at a glance how much you have left. (can definitely relate to since we just painted EVERY room in our new home)

2. Pencil eraser. Fold a rubber band a few times to rub off pencil doodles.

3. To keep soap output in check. Loop a rubber band around the neck of the pump on a liquid soap dispenser to control how much soap comes out with each use.

4. Bookmarks. Just wrap a band around the page you’ve just finished reading and the cover of the book. You won’t have to worry about losing your place, nor do you have to bend the pages.

5. To manage stray wires—or yarn. Wrap cords and balls of yarn or thread in bands to prevent tangles.

6. Baby-proof cabinets. Bind knobs with rubber bands to keep them firmly shut. (Don't get this one, but....ok).

7. Remote control pad. Wrapping the base with a band keeps your remote from sliding off the coffee table—and prevents your furniture from scratching.

8. Make a broom last. When the bristles on a broom get tired and start to splay out, wrap a couple rubber bands close to the base to keep them tight (and cleaning more effectively).

9. Kitty proof your toilet paper. To keep kittens (or puppies) from pawing at the ends, wrap a band around a roll of toilet paper.

10.Bottle gripper. To keep shampoos, conditioners, etc from slipping from your hands in the shower, wrap rubber bands around the middles to make them easier to grip.

11. Keep a sliced apple fresh. Supposedly, after you slice an apple into wedges, if you reassemble the wedges so the apple looks intact again and wrap a (clean!) band around it, it slows down the browning process—a good thing to keep in mind for brown bag lunches.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The best things in life ARE free

The best things in life are free.....I can hear Janet Jackson now.....

It's true, though. Think of the best times in your life and weren't the moments free? Granted you may have paid for the location, like a vacation, but the people you were with and the memories you made were free. Below is a list of the best things in life that are free:

1. Family and Friends
2. Love
3. Nature's landscapes (the beach, thunderstorms, mountains, canyons)
4. Health
5. Kisses and Hugs (the free ones.....not the kind you pay for....haha)
6. Newborn babies
7. Christmastime
8. Butterflies (including the ones you get in your tummy)
9. Laughing so hard you cry
10. The smell (and sound) of rain
11. Intangibles: Hope, faith, spirituality, religion, happiness, joy, freedom
12. Animals
13. Appreciating beauty
14. Talent of any kind
15. Taking a walk hand-in-hand
16. Laying on the grass and watching the clouds
17. Baby's laugh
18. Good conversation
19. Dolphins
20. Having someone play with your hair
21. Sunrises and sunsets
22. A special smile
23. Daydreaming
24. Window shopping
25. Smiling while thinking about your life......

This was a nice post to compile. Please comment about YOUR favorite things in life that are free......Until next time....Goditi la vita!

Mad Lib for a Rainy Day

Why is it that on rainy, chilly days we all want to stay in bed, cuddle, eat junkie food and watch movies/reality TV/The Food Network/HGTV....aka whatever you can watch for hours and hours?

No matter who I ran into today, everyone said the same thing "Instead of being here, I wish I was in bed cuddling with [fill in the blank] watching [fill in the blank] eating [type of junk food]." It's kinda like mad libs.

Therefore, here is a mad lib for the day....

Instead of being in [place________], I wish I was in bed cuddling with [person, animal or thing__________] watching [guilty pleasure on TV/movie_______________] eating [fave junk food______________].

Here's mine:
Instead of being in WORK, I wish I was in my new plush, pillowtop (....sorry it's my blog, I can be creative) bed with WRANGLER (my puppy) and HUBBY watching REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY eating SALSA AND CHIPS and CUPCAKES.

Okay, so Curtis Stone is NOT my husband, but a girl can dream, can't she?! Haha. Just kidding......I have an amazing husband who I love very much <3 Daydreaming is definitely a way to enjoy life..... Until next time....Goditi la vita!

Why I love Audrey Hepburn

I am a huge Audrey Hepburn fan. She exudes class, grace and elegance and is a role model for me in life. These are reasons why I love Audrey:

1. She's beautiful, inside and out. To be beautiful inside and out is something to strive for in life. And I don't mean society's definition of "beautiful." Anyone can be beautiful and it begins inside and radiates outward.....which brings me to reason #2...

2. Her quotes are amazing. My fave is this one:
"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years."

3. She made Holly Golightly a symbol of class and elegance. Holly Golightly is a call girl. The money she received from men was in exchange for her "companionship" for the evening. The movie glosses over that aspect of Holly's character because audiences of the time didn't want to see such things implied about a character played by Audrey Hepburn. If you read the story by Truman Capote, you'll understand the true nature of the Holly Golightly character. The book and the movie are quite different.

4. Her charity work. Speaking of her long-standing work with children’s charities, Hepburn said, “I speak for those children who cannot speak for themselves, children who have absolutely nothing but their courage and their smiles, their wits and their dreams.” In 1994, the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund, a non-profit organization, was created in New York to continue Audrey’s international appeals on behalf of ill-treated and suffering children around the world. She was also heavily involved in UNICEF and toured the world speaking out and volunteering for this amazing charitable organization.

5. She never took herself too seriously. Contrary to her recent image, although Audrey did enjoy fashion, she did not place much importance on it. She preferred casual, comfortable clothes. In addition, she never considered herself to be very attractive. She said in a 1959 interview, "you can even say that I hated myself at certain periods. I was too fat, or maybe too tall, or maybe just plain too ugly... you can say my definiteness stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I couldn't conquer these feelings by acting indecisive. I found the only way to get the better of them was by adopting a forceful, concentrated drive"

6. She loved laughter. "I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." Some say, laughter is the best medicine and after seeing my grandfather fight cancer for years, I am now a firm believer in this "miracle drug."

7. She created a style all her own. The term "little black dress" defines Audrey, in other words, classic style. Many of Audrey's looks still rock the runway and streets today: oversize sunglasses, LBD (little black dress), heavy eyeliner with nude lips, updos, black flats or heels. One can easily create a Audrey Hepburn style, and that, is what you call classic. To your right is Victoria Beckham rocking the Audrey Hepburn fashion of today. The "little black dress" from Breakfast at Tiffany's, designed by Givenchy, sold at a Christie's auction on 5 December 2006, for approximately $920,000, almost seven times its pre-sale estimate. This is the highest price paid for a dress from a film. (The dress is shown in the second photo from the top.).

8. She had a pet fawn. No lie, a real fawn. When she was making her 1959 flick "Green Mansions," directed by then-husband Mel Ferrer, the animal trainer on the set suggested that she take her on-screen sidekick, a baby deer, home with her so that he would learn to follow her. She named the fawn, Pippin, and it stayed at her home and she became attached to it. It shopped with her, took naps beside her, and followed her around all day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Life of 25.

I guess before I begin blogging about the little things in life, I should begin with the larger picture: introducing myself. Now, I wish I could reveal myself, so to speak, but being a victim of identity theft a few times is preventing me from doing so. Therefore, I will be general. I am a (mid!) 20-something woman who, in the last year, was promoted to a new job, got married and bought a (first) home. My 25th year of life was insane. Insanely amazing, but insane none-the-less. The stress of all three respectively is overwhelming, let alone all three in one year. I credit my organization, communication and negotiation skills that got me through it all (plus my husband, family, friends, puppy, chocolate....and a bottle of wine every now and again).

I have learned a great deal about what is important in life, what I used to take for granted and what I should be thankful for. Even though all three situations were stressful (the wedding the least stressful, believe it or not), each one was one step closer to being a "grown up" and each one was a positive life experience that is worth enjoying and feeling incredibly blessed for (even though the faxing, emails, scanning, copying, phone calls, etc were a little OOC [out of control] with the house-buying). I thoroughly enjoyed the wedding...and I mean, the whole shabang...from the engagement, bridal shower, planning process, bachelorette party, planning process, guest list, planning process, photos, makeup, hair, family, friends, planning process, was all fun and amazing....even the planning process. From the get-go, my mom (one of the wisest women in the world) said "This will be a no-stress wedding. We will have fun with every step"....and we did. That is how I TRY and tackle every experience. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed. My wedding? I succeeded. New job? I succeeded. Buying a house? I failed....miserably. Enter the wine.

In all three life-changing occasions, I learned the same things: keep calm, everything will work out, stay organized, be thankful this is happening and wine cures all. Needless to say, I am now a Wine Connoisseur, but that is neither here nor there. :) I will talk about wine in a later posting.

Why am I telling you all this useless info about myself?
1. It sets the stage and introduces myself to you
2. Let's you know I can keep the humor in every stressful situation I am in
And 3. It's my blog :)

While The Life Enjoyer will be about the little things in life and how to enjoy them, this first posting is, like I mentioned before, an introduction into my busy year and what I have taken from it. Because, with every experience I experience, I try and learn something. That is what makes life enjoyable! Thank you for reading my first-ever blog post. I promise next time, much shorter. Until next time....Goditi la vita!