Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mad Lib for a Rainy Day

Why is it that on rainy, chilly days we all want to stay in bed, cuddle, eat junkie food and watch movies/reality TV/The Food Network/HGTV....aka whatever you can watch for hours and hours?

No matter who I ran into today, everyone said the same thing "Instead of being here, I wish I was in bed cuddling with [fill in the blank] watching [fill in the blank] eating [type of junk food]." It's kinda like mad libs.

Therefore, here is a mad lib for the day....

Instead of being in [place________], I wish I was in bed cuddling with [person, animal or thing__________] watching [guilty pleasure on TV/movie_______________] eating [fave junk food______________].

Here's mine:
Instead of being in WORK, I wish I was in my new plush, pillowtop (....sorry it's my blog, I can be creative) bed with WRANGLER (my puppy) and HUBBY watching REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY eating SALSA AND CHIPS and CUPCAKES.

Okay, so Curtis Stone is NOT my husband, but a girl can dream, can't she?! Haha. Just kidding......I have an amazing husband who I love very much <3 Daydreaming is definitely a way to enjoy life..... Until next time....Goditi la vita!

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