I guess before I begin blogging about the little things in life, I should begin with the larger picture: introducing myself. Now, I wish I could reveal myself, so to speak, but being a victim of identity theft a few times is preventing me from doing so. Therefore, I will be general. I am a (mid!) 20-something woman who, in the last year, was promoted to a new job, got married and bought a (first) home. My 25th year of life was insane. Insanely amazing, but insane none-the-less. The stress of all three respectively is overwhelming, let alone all three in one year. I credit my organization, communication and negotiation skills that got me through it all (plus my husband, family, friends, puppy, chocolate....and a bottle of wine every now and again).
I have learned a great deal about what is important in life, what I used to take for granted and what I should be thankful for. Even though all three situations were stressful (the wedding the least stressful, believe it or not), each one was one step closer to being a "grown up" and each one was a positive life experience that is worth enjoying and feeling incredibly blessed for (even though the faxing, emails, scanning, copying, phone calls, etc were a little OOC [out of control] with the house-buying). I thoroughly enjoyed the wedding...and I mean, the whole shabang...from the engagement, bridal shower, planning process, bachelorette party, planning process, guest list, planning process, photos, makeup, hair, family, friends, planning process, honeymoon....it was all fun and amazing....even the planning process. From the get-go, my mom (one of the wisest women in the world) said "This will be a no-stress wedding. We will have fun with every step"....and we did. That is how I TRY and tackle every experience. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed. My wedding? I succeeded. New job? I succeeded. Buying a house? I failed....miserably. Enter the wine.
In all three life-changing occasions, I learned the same things: keep calm, everything will work out, stay organized, be thankful this is happening and wine cures all. Needless to say, I am now a Wine Connoisseur, but that is neither here nor there. :) I will talk about wine in a later posting.
Why am I telling you all this useless info about myself?
1. It sets the stage and introduces myself to you
2. Let's you know I can keep the humor in every stressful situation I am in
And 3. It's my blog :)
While The Life Enjoyer will be about the little things in life and how to enjoy them, this first posting is, like I mentioned before, an introduction into my busy year and what I have taken from it. Because, with every experience I experience, I try and learn something. That is what makes life enjoyable! Thank you for reading my first-ever blog post. I promise next time, much shorter. Until next time....Goditi la vita!
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